8 Yorum

  1. opon21
    opon21 ·


  2. tere
    tere ·


  3. grazie
    grazie ·

    cool!!!! and @cryboy :)

  4. adi_totp
    adi_totp ·


  5. yokekei
    yokekei ·


  6. achmad-magabutz
    achmad-magabutz ·

    why Gran Torino?sounds like Tittle of song or a Car? hehehhe

  7. atria007
    atria007 ·

    @achmad-magabutz hheheheh coz i was in torino (italy) and i wanted mix as always movie tittles and place where i was..just for this..=P

  8. lazybuddha
    lazybuddha ·

    Is Cryboy going to the toilet against the wall? Tut tut dirty Cryboy :-D

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