7 Yorum

  1. finellafrances
    finellafrances ·


  2. stereograph
    stereograph ·

    i really like the komposition here!

  3. mackiechartres
    mackiechartres ·

    thanks @finellafrances and @stereograph , i appreciate your comments. because i was shooting with lomography purple this time, i tried to have the leaves on the picture so i could get the "purple effect". the composition came naturally, without thinking too long, so i think it was 50 % my idea, and 50 % good luck 😅📷👍

  4. stereograph
    stereograph ·

    @mackiechartres 👍 50/50 good combination!

  5. finellafrances
    finellafrances ·

    @mackiechartres The colours are beautiful! May I ask for the ISO you used? I'm usually torn about what to set.

  6. mackiechartres
    mackiechartres ·

    @finellafrances the Lomochrome purple allows iso from 100 to 400. In this case, I set my Minolta on 200 to have a balanced contrast, shooting inside and outside.

  7. finellafrances
    finellafrances ·

    @mackiechartres Thank you very much 👍🏻

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