#Agat18k #агат18к #OlympusPENee #MinoltaREPO #Yashicahalf14
#OlympusPEND #OlympusPENEED #KONICAAUTOREX #AgfaOptimaParat
#OlympusPENF #CanonDEMIee17 , I love #Diptych & #Duo by #HalfFrameCamera and #doubleexposures & #Multiexposures by #Splitcam & #Splitcamera and #LOMOLCAplus .
If you wanna visit my another, @triparoundtheworld that's my travel stories by film-camera.
INSTAGRAM : __diptych__
Fotoğraflarım Albümlerim Beğenilerim
Albüm: Double Exposure + Diptych = COMBO
diptych tarafından, 2021-09-08 tarihinde paylaşıldı · 5 Fotoğraf -
Albüm: Double Exposure - LOMO LC-A+
diptych tarafından, 2021-07-14 tarihinde paylaşıldı · 9 Fotoğraf -
Albüm: Double Exposure - Split CAM
diptych tarafından, 2019-10-26 tarihinde paylaşıldı · 22 Fotoğraf -
diptych tarafından, 2019-09-30 tarihinde paylaşıldı · 191 Fotoğraf
- Tags:
- 1/2 frame
- 135type
- 35mm
- 35mmfilm
- 35mmmagazine
- 35mmphotography
- 35мм
- 35ммпленка
- 35ммфото
- analog
- analogfeatures
- analogfilm
- analogphotography
- black and white
- bnw
- bnwsouls
- buyfilmnotmegapixels
- bwfilm
- diptych
- expired film
- expiredfilm
- filmisnotdead
- half frame
- half-frame
- halfframe
- halfframecameracommunity
- halfframeclub
- halfframecommunity
- halfframephotography
- kodakshootfilm
- light and shadow
- lightandshadow
- madewithkodak
- monochrome
- noirlovers
- olympus
- olympus pen f
- olympus pen-f
- olympuspenf
- pen f
- pen-f
- shootfilmonmondays
- silhouette
- silhouettes
- theanalogclub
- theanalogcrew
- thefilmcommunity
- wasteoffilm
- чернобелый
- чернобелый
- Cameras:
- Agat 18K
- Canon Demi EE17
- Kodak Ektar H35 Half Frame Film Camera
- Konica Autorex P
- Konica autorex
- Lomo LC-A+
- Lomography Split-Cam
- Minolta Repo
- Olympus PEN EED
- Olympus Pen D
- Olympus Pen EES
- Olympus Pen F
- Olympus Pen FT
- Yashica Samurai Z
- yashica half 14
- Films:
- Agfa APX400
- Cinestill 800 ISO Tungsten Xpro C-41
- Ferrania Solaris 100
- Film never die IRO 400
- Fomapan 400
- Fujifilm C200
- Fujifilm RVP 50
- Fujifilm Superia 100 expired
- Fujifilm Velvia 100
- Fujifilm Velvia 50 RVP
- Ilford XP2 400 (35mm)
- Kodak Colorplus 200 (35mm)
- Kodak Gold 100 (35mm) Expired
- Kodak Gold 200 (35mm)
- Kodak Pro Image 100 (35mm)
- Kodak Tmax100
- Kodak Tri-X 400 expired
- Kodak Ultramax 400 (35mm)
- Konica Centuria 100 exp
- Rollei Retro 400S