m_e tarafından 2013-05-10 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
Oh, how she can melt my heart away.
melissonline tarafından 2013-05-10 tarihinde paylaşıldıOh, how she can melt my heart away. Whenever she thinks it playtime she comes up to me, looking like this and I can never resist.
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kiri-girl tarafından 2013-03-15 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
Lagua Aculeo
peropero tarafından 2013-05-13 tarihinde paylaşıldıLaguna Aculeo is a beautiful place 40min from Santiago. Gorgeous fall colors and magic weekend. I should use this camera more often.
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Red or Alive
ohlordy tarafından 2013-05-15 tarihinde paylaşıldıHolga and redscale XR, i love this combo it's like a mystery box of colours!
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weedos tarafından 2013-05-14 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
gorics tarafından 2013-05-13 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
adamscott tarafından 2008-06-19 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
Time to Recall
cheshire tarafından 2010-03-01 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
A walk with Zenit E
marant69 tarafından 2010-11-30 tarihinde paylaşıldıMonday morning, finally a rest day with sun and... one inch of snow. Yeah!!
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emanuele tarafından 2011-02-20 tarihinde paylaşıldı.
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vicuna tarafından 2010-05-05 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
elvismartinezsmith tarafından 2010-04-22 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
3 tree
superlighter tarafından 2009-01-08 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
The Mayan Ruins of Tulum
tracyvmoore tarafından 2010-12-23 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
masha_njam tarafından 2011-04-18 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
szzs tarafından 2011-04-20 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
troch tarafından 2011-04-03 tarihinde paylaşıldıFound this sweet little half-frame camera in a junk shop and decided it looked like fun. Went to my old standby, Ilford HP5 Plus for the test run, especially since it was overcast.
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dark respite
davidpowell tarafından 2011-01-07 tarihinde paylaşıldıFirst roll with my new Diana F+ Edelweiss. All of these pictures were taken on the promenade in West Kirby, Wirral.
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qrro tarafından 2011-02-10 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
onan tarafından 2010-04-05 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
putyourphazzersonstun tarafından 2010-02-15 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
orangebird tarafından 2010-11-21 tarihinde paylaşıldıBlack-tailed Gull ウミネコ(海猫, 学名:Larus crassirostris) カモメ科
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katya-leontyeva tarafından 2009-02-26 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
something_went_wrong tarafından 2009-06-11 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
terrys20 tarafından 2010-08-23 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
bkspicture tarafından 2012-07-11 tarihinde paylaşıldıYou can find more of my work on my homepage: _________________________________________ Also have a blog where I write about my photo experience, tips and trick etc. . . . . . . . . _________________________________________ Facebook:
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clickiemcpete tarafından 2013-02-13 tarihinde paylaşıldıI had to trash a bunch of shots from this roll. I'm not sure why I'm having such trouble keeping my fingers out of the frame but I took a big piece of blue tape and wrote FINGERS! on it and stuck it on the back of the camera so maybe I'll remember next time I use it.
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goonies tarafından 2013-02-13 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
Winter pause? No!
ck_berlin tarafından 2013-02-11 tarihinde paylaşıldıThere is no bad weather. There is only bad equipment. | Home developed and expired hybrid processed film.
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pearlgirl77 tarafından 2013-02-17 tarihinde paylaşıldıFirst Roll with my new Recesky DIY TLR i love her :D
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The beach
sara81 tarafından 2013-02-17 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
vici tarafından 2013-02-17 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
cryboy tarafından 2013-02-16 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
Pentax MX & Kodak Gold 100 (Expired)
simonesavo tarafından 2013-02-16 tarihinde paylaşıldıTest Roll
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dannyedwards tarafından 2013-02-17 tarihinde paylaşıldıpopped out at sunset to get a pic of my favourite tree to finish the roll - one for the collection
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pussylove tarafından 2013-02-17 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
Sunny Walk on a cold Sunday
moodification tarafından 2013-02-17 tarihinde paylaşıldıThe weather was so nice that day I just had to go out and hear some shutter clicks. I went to a big lake in Essen ("Baldeney-See") and was just shooting away.
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opon21 tarafından 2013-02-15 tarihinde paylaşıldıDiana Baby 110 + Agfa Quality110
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bkspicture tarafından 2012-12-17 tarihinde paylaşıldıYou can find more of my work on my homepage: _________________________________________ Also have a blog where I write about my photo experience, tips and trick etc. . . . . . . . . _________________________________________ Facebook:
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Abandoned Farm House in Aerochrome
mafiosa tarafından 2012-08-23 tarihinde paylaşıldıAfter taking a wrong turn off the highway, I stumbled on this beautiful abandoned farm house. In a perfect twist of fate, I happened to have a roll of Aerochrome on me.
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Summer of Jellyfish
tsingtao tarafından 2012-08-01 tarihinde paylaşıldıMy facebook page:
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maria_vlachou tarafından 2013-02-18 tarihinde paylaşıldıanother one from winter home developed in Rollei D-74
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alexyz tarafından 2013-02-18 tarihinde paylaşıldı -
maria_vlachou tarafından 2013-02-18 tarihinde paylaşıldıanother one from winter home developed in Rollei D-74
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Time Travel
earlybird tarafından 2012-06-21 tarihinde paylaşıldımy stepfather and my brother
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Swap with Furn7973 in Galway, Ireland and SF CA…
koduckgirl tarafından 2013-02-13 tarihinde paylaşıldıNot much doubled but very cool photos of Ireland!!!! Thanx @furn7973 !!!
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Swap with Furn7973 in Galway, Ireland and SF CA…
koduckgirl tarafından 2013-02-13 tarihinde paylaşıldıNot much doubled but very cool photos of Ireland!!!! Thanx @furn7973 !!!
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Swap with Furn7973 in Galway, Ireland and SF CA…
koduckgirl tarafından 2013-02-13 tarihinde paylaşıldıNot much doubled but very cool photos of Ireland!!!! Thanx @furn7973 !!!
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Swap with Furn7973 in Galway, Ireland and SF CA…
koduckgirl tarafından 2013-02-13 tarihinde paylaşıldıNot much doubled but very cool photos of Ireland!!!! Thanx @furn7973 !!!
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