people found a home

some of you might remember that i used to go to an abandoned colony of garden patches in berlin and after more than 1 year there were suddenly people living there. it was kind of strange to actually see how they installed themselves there. same thing happened now when i went to the former ice cream manufactury in kreuzberg. @andrejrusskovskij did upload some pics of it already iirc but i did expect an abandoned building but instead it was a ruin which is used as residence. there are currently about 50 people living there between rats and garbage and graffitis. out of planks and wire they build some barracks inside the building. i even saw that there is obviously something you could name as appartment - well it has windows. i have no clue what it looks like inside. the internet plattfortm of a big german weekly just uploaded a small report on the buidling a few hours after i was there:… to me it is an ambivalent thing. on pics you want places to look good/cool/nice but there is no coolness in this place. no water, no electricity but garbage and tons of garbage and hundreds of rats. - an in the summer i guess a bestial smell in the air.

5 Yorum

  1. mafiosa
    mafiosa ·

    Great album.

  2. andrejrusskovskij
    andrejrusskovskij ·

    yeah! the last times I went there I saw people in the "apartment" you are talking about, they were waving at us. crazy isn't it? One year ago there was just a small camp outside of the main entrance but slowly more and more people got there and they eventually started taking care of vegetable gardens (on your left side as soon as you break in through the fence). I don't know if they are pissed off because of all the explorers that are going there. hopefully not...

  3. bloomchen
    bloomchen ·

    @andrejrusskovskij i think they were not pissed about me going around and taking pictures. but i thought they are maybe pissed about the sprayers that come and leave all their garbage behind and obviously the roof is used by party people that leave all their bottles and stuff behind. when i talked to the guys in the colony in neukölln they told me that they hop through the city. and as neukölln was pulled down they told me they already know where they will go next. the bad thing about it is that these people there have no lobby and do not benefit from social security. since about 3 weeks now i noticed that in kreuzberg on one of the main streets near the bergmannstraße there are cars standing in the street where people live in. sometimes in the morning i see them getting up and putting the sleeping bag in the luggage space.

  4. kibs
    kibs ·

    Great album! You have such wonderful color saturation.

  5. seladon
    seladon ·

    I can understand your ambivalence feelings but it is important that you went there . I don´t know if I would have done it. The way you write about the life of the people who live there is clear and honest.
    To talk to the people you met there and to be interessted in their lifes gives them the feeling to be visible. I hope that many people will see your pictures and will read what you have written here !

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