once upon a time...

once upon a time..i traveled to the north of India...to Jaipur in Rajasthan.. to meet with old friends from architecture school....

traveling with me were two new associates at the time...the Sprocket Rocket and the Diana F+ ....

..while the Sprocket Rocket brought back a lot of beautiful memories, it appeared that the Diana needed time to get into the swing of things...a trait that is very typical of the special one...

one and half year has passed since that time...and here I am ...looking at my first Diana pictures again...and surprisingly...I am beginning to like them..!!!!...the very same pictures..rejected once upon a time...is not looking too bad..!!!...so here they are...my first Diana F+ pictures from October of 2012...from a place full of mystery, adventure, royalty and dripping with history - India Style...

www.lomography.com.tr/magazine/locations/2012/10/09/jaipur-… .......................


Bir Yorum

  1. koduckgirl
    koduckgirl ·

    Very nice and interesting set love the architecture of course cheers and thanx for the recent likes

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